Curriculum questions

Discuss the pros and cons of various curriculums, or get help on which to choose!

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Curriculum questions

Postby Fablevision » Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:35 am

Hi everyone! My name is Kat and I work for an educational software company in Massachusetts. Although I am not a homeschool parent, I would love to understand more about your homeschooling experiences. We do not know much about the challenges and benefits you face, as well as the resources you use and depend on as a homeschool educator. If you have a few minutes to spare, I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer a few questions that I have listed below.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at Thank you so much for your help and your time and I wish you all the best of luck with the new school year!

1. What is the greatest challenge you face as a homeschool parent/educator?
2. What are the greatest benefits?
3. What magazines/websites do you use most frequently? Why?
4. What sources do you consult when trying to find books, software, and other educational materials?
5. Do you prefer books, software or a combination?
6. What do you look for in educational products (i.e. functionality, price, interactivity, entertainment, quality)?
7. Where do you go to buy products?
8. If you do buy educational software, is it usually for a specific subject, or is it cross curricular?
9. What software are you currently using? What have you used in the past?
10. What are the drawbacks and benefits to the software?
11. So you teach your children how to improve their studying skills? How?
12. What subject do you find most difficult to teach? Most enjoyable? Why?
13. Do you attend any conferences? If so, which ones and how do they help you?
14. Are you a part of any homeschool networks?

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Re: Curriculum questions

Postby momo3boys » Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:44 pm

1. What is the greatest challenge you face as a homeschool parent/educator?

Being a mother and a teacher and knowing where the difference is.

2. What are the greatest benefits? Spending a lot of time with your children (also sometimes a challenge)

3. What magazines/websites do you use most frequently? This forum and many educational websites Why? to get insight and a feeling of community. I get a lot of curriculum ideas online, as well as printable worksheets.

4. What sources do you consult when trying to find books, software, and other educational materials? Other parents and magazines.

5. Do you prefer books, software or a combination?mostly books and websites.

6. What do you look for in educational products (i.e. functionality, price, interactivity, entertainment, quality)?price is a problem on one income, but function is very important to. I want to know that what I am buying is going to be used, and for a long time.

7. Where do you go to buy products? online

8. If you do buy educational software, is it usually for a specific subject, or is it cross curricular? math, spelling, are the sunjects that i usually need help with.

9. What software are you currently using? What have you used in the past? reader rabbit, jumpstart, websites.

10. What are the drawbacks and benefits to the software? interactivity, price, they really like them and it teaches.

11. So you teach your children how to improve their studying skills? not really How? just starting to teach them certain things about doing your best and trying your hardest at everything you do. (Ages 7and 9)

12. What subject do you find most difficult to teach? spelling Most enjoyable? science Why?spelling is hard to make fun, science is so easy to get into and enjoy, then we just keep learning, almost by accident.

13. Do you attend any conferences? Yes If so, which ones and how do they help you? MassHOPE, I really liked the seminars, but I LOVE the vendors!

14. Are you a part of any homeschool networks?Yea, we have started a network in our area that gets together for GYM, and spanish and science.
Phi 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

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