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Public Sch. Teacher doing Research in 2017 -- What is working in HS?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:29 pm
by DoctorJoe
Hello Homeschool World Forum members!

I'm Joe, a public school teacher and doctoral student (the screen name isn't official yet!) in Connecticut.

I am very excited about something that occurred to me when thinking about what to explore and research in the education world -- that homeschool families are surely doing things that support student success and personal development that they might wish to share with the idea that public schools might borrow ideas that could help to improve teaching, learning, and student support in public schools.

Once my research officially begins in 2017 (there is a proposal process that addresses in particular privacy), I hope to look to this community for suggestions and guidance. I hope also to return the favor; if folks have questions about education, I would be glad to be of some help. I have taught third and sixth grades in New York City and all high school grades in a diverse urban district in Connecticut. I'm a former engineering student, but teach AP English, Shakespeare, Poetry, Literature, and Rhetoric.

My wife and I have two sons who are about to turn 12 and 10. We are active members at our church, especially in the music ministry. I've served two terms as deacon there.

Looking forward to getting to know this online community!
