homeschool yourself?

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homeschool yourself?

Postby Courtney » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:30 pm

is it possible to homeschool yourself with someguidence from mom
this is in the state of illinois

thanks for the help

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Postby Theodore » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:20 pm

Officially, your parent(s) have to oversee your education. Practically speaking, however, most of your studying after the 4th grade or so is going to be on your own, and possibly all of it by the time you get to high school. All your mom really needs to do is keep a log showing which days you studied (Illinois requires 176 day per year) and on what subjects (the same as what's covered at the same age/grade level in public school - language arts, math, biological, physical and social sciences, fine arts, and physical development and health). Illinois has no teacher qualification requirements, no standardized testing, and I think you only have to produce records if accused of truancy.

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Postby hscoach » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:33 pm

It depends on your age. If you are a teen, then you can definitely complete your assignments on your own and study independently. Lots of teens do that. But your mom will still need to guide you and grade your papers, etc. Lots of high schoolers are enrolled in online schools and work on their own.

You can read about the homeschooling laws for your state at this link. -

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thank you for advice

Postby Courtney » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:43 pm

so i talked to my mom and she said for me to look into online schools and i found a school called olympus highschool its accredited and im so excited hopefully my dad agrees ( wow good luck for me haha )
anyways my mom contacted the vice princpal today and he said that he thinks i shouldnt go that route because im so smart and im a good asset to their school
but i cant get the work done if im gone all the time because of my constent migranes

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