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Need help

Postby Motherofthree » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:53 pm

I am trying to decide if I am going to send my DD to pulic school or homeschool her. She is 10 years old and last year for the last 9 weeks of school I sent her to public school. I have homeschooled her since she was 6 and she had not been able to learn to read. She does well with Math and other subjects that we do hands on and she does very well with reading comprehension. After school was out she continued to see a tutor for reading and is improving. She does NOT want to go back to public school but I don't want to keep her home if that is not what is best for her. There is no part of public school she likes not even lunch or recess. She would be going back to the third grade.
I have hs my DS for 9 years now and he is doing fine so I think I have some idea of what I am doing but we all know kids can be VERY different.
Please give me your thoughts as school starts in 2 days. Thanks.

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Postby romacox » Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:24 am

As a tutor, I work with children who have difficulty learning to read, and my success rate is 88.8%, and that includes the Dyslexic children. Here is what I have learned:

If they know all their phonic sounds, but are having trouble blending them to form words it is usually because they are enunciating some of the words incorrectly. For example if they say du for d, they sound out the word daddy as du-a-du-y making it hard for them to hear the correct word. Here is a free video that explains more:

At the following link you will find two more free videos that explain how to effectively teach reading and comprehension, and some free articles on how to teach the elements of reading comprehension.

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