A needed lawsuit

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Posts: 11
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:42 pm
Location: Minnesota

Postby rafismom » Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:54 am

Self-esteem fostered in that system is an illusion - true self-esteem comes from working hard to achieve something you've been trying to accomplish and succeeding. It does nothing to encourage kids of all abilities to work to their full potential and it holds kids of higher potentials down. I don't want my kids to be the kids who are held down. It sounds harsh, I realize that but so is holding kids back who are otherwise capable of so much more in the name of "equality" and "fairness". Not everyone gets to win a prize or be the best and to give that label to so many people - cheapens it for everyone so that it means nothing.[/quote]

Actually, a level playing field is NOT as you describe. It is one that provides supports for areas of weakness....for example, for the brilliant uncoordinated kid to be able to complete workusing a computer when their writing ability gets in the way of showing what they know...so that all kids can not only learn but show what they know.

All my older kids, and possibly my youngest as well though we are not certain of this, are well advanced beyond "average" yet public school in the elementary grades was a nightmare for them. That's why I homeschooled - there was so much emphasis on printing neatly that intellect was ignored, and this was to their detriment. They are all doing well now, but needed to have emphasis on thinking rather than neatness in the early years till their motor skills got within range of their ability to think.

Jane in MN

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