Need help from someone in SC

Are you homeschool a special needs child? Are you personally physically challenged? Here is the place to share your questions, tips, and experiences.

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Need help from someone in SC

Postby mom2jebs » Wed Dec 14, 2016 3:55 pm

My daughter is 15yo and about a year ago she was diagnosed with Asperger's, Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, and ADHD. But, she has not always been this way. Over the last several years she has progressively gotten worse. There are days where she gets so confused if she even has a simple subtraction problem. School work is a disaster. Every day was just a fit and temper tantrum (not just because it was hard but it was also frustrating to her that she couldn't do it). Right now all I am giving her is busy work in the required subjects. There is absolutely no way she could do school work geared to her age. Everything is just too hard and confusing for her and she gets so overwhelmed. Even the "busy work' I have her doing right now is stressful. Her doctor is ordering genetic testing to see what is going on and possibly why it is getting worse. I'm so tired of fighting with her. I'm tired of the fits and temper tantrums. Does anyone know if I could just give her a certificate of completion and she be done with school work since she has a diagnosis of having these disabilities? I just can't see going through this another 3 years.

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