Will my crazy sleeping schedule affect schooling?

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Will my crazy sleeping schedule affect schooling?

Postby CoralFang » Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:37 am

Hi there, new user here. I've been thinking about homeschooling my son after he finishes this school year. He will be 7yo by the time that happens and in second grade.

The main reason I've been thinking about homeschooling him is because I just absolutely HATE the public school system. I hated it when I went, and as a parent, I hate it even more. I am a punk-rock, mohawked momma and I'm constantly bickering with office staff about my son's tardiness and with his teacher about why he gets graded on his social behavior (he's a loner--not social).

Anyway, I feel that all of this is ridiculous. I don't feel like he should be held back because he's not adapting, socially (he's smarter than every kid in his class), and I cringe at the fact that child services is going to be called because of the lack of hours he spends in school just because I have a sleep disorder.

I've read a lot about people homeschooling their kids at night, and I believe the time of day doesn't matter for where we live (in Florida). But, what I'm looking for are other people's opinions on if it can be done and if it's healthy and/or will actually help my son.

My problem is that I have a sleep disorder. I sleep at random times of the day for about 4-5 hours at a time. I work from home, so I know I could homeschool him. But I'm worried that my sleep schedule may deprive him in his needs for education, attention, supervision, etc.

Currently, I sleep while he is AT school. My entire life, I've been a nightowl. Naturally, my body clock always wants me asleep during the day. I've tried my entire schoolage and working life to adapt to a daytime schedule and it has only resulted in daily detentions for being late, sleeping through every class I've had, and getting fired from every day job I've ever had.

How can this possibly work with homeschooling? My son works fine on a daytime schedule, and I don't want to forcibly make him into a nightowl like me because I KNOW the difficulties that comes with.

It's absolutely impossible for me to ever be awake before noon. And I don't want a 7yo wandering around the house unsupervised, waiting for me to wake up. My husband has a similar sleep disorder. But he's also a nighttime chef and plays in a band--so his mornings are usually spent sleeping as well.

Is there anyone out there that can suggest something? Or does anyone else have the same problem that has successfully homeschooled? TIA for any advice!

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Postby hscoach » Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:29 am

Here are some thoughts just off the top of my head:

I think if I were you, I would work on changing my sleep schedule for good. You could work on it now, while your son is finishing out this school year and be ready to begin homeschooling.

I just did a quick google search -- how to change your sleep schedule -- and of course, there is a lot of information about it. Here is just one link:

http://www.wisebread.com/how-to-natural ... -overnight

You could also see if your doctor could help you with changing your sleep habits. You could slowly adjust your sleep until it is a bit more normal. Then you could allow your son to stay up later (maybe until 10) and you could all sleep the next morning till 10.

Yes, you can homeschool at ANY time of day. This is true no matter what state you live in. You can be as flexible as you like.

Your son can be a part of a homeschool co-op (classes with other homeschoolers) or homeschool support group (fun activities, field trips, etc.) and that would be his social outlet.

If you are not happy with the public schools, I would definitely find a way to homeschool, even if it means making a major adjustment in your sleep pattern. I think you can do it! Best wishes.

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Postby CoralFang » Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:54 pm

Thanks, but my sleep disorder is incurable. It's called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and I've had it my entire life. It's dictated by circadian rhythms and no amount of drugs, change, counting sheep or anything I've tried has ever worked (permanently, anyway). It's basically like asking a normal sleeper to wake up at 10pm every day for the rest of their life. They might be able to change it temporarily, but not permanently. It's akin to having jetlag every single day that I've lived.

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Postby hscoach » Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:14 am

Well, in that case, I would say you can still homeschool your son, but I guess the biggest issue would be, like you said, his safety when he gets up in the mornings and you are still sleeping. When he is older, it won't matter, but now it does. Maybe you can find a solution for keeping him safe until you are awake and then begin your studies for the day. Hope it works out for you!

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Postby JamBabyVA » Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:35 pm

I use to work nights when my two little ones were about 5 and 3. It took a while but my children ended up on my sleep schedule. Maybe see if there is a way to do something of that sort and during the weekend you guys can go out and be part of different social groups.

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Postby cindyg » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:26 pm

My son has many issues with sleeping and staying on a schedule. I don't think you should really worry about it so much. One of the great things about homeschooling is that it can fit in with any schedule. I think it is important to be on a schedule but that does not mean it has to be a "traditional" schedule that you are on!
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Postby Theodore » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:46 pm

I have been on night cycles for months at a time, without seeming to be able to get back on a normal schedule. What worked for me was (a) at least attempting to not use any electronic devices before sleep time, (b) keeping the light off at night (your body doesn't produce melatonin real well in the light), and (c) getting enough cardio to wear me out a bit (but not -just- before sleep, since there's a temporary alertness spike). At the moment, I'm on a relatively normal schedule, but I'm sure next time I'm sick I'll be back on the night kick again. I do find the night soothing, but if I want to do anything -with- anyone else, I need to be up when the sun is out.

EDIT: I also keep my iPad real dim, if I do use it at night.

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