Internships and Jobs for Homeschoolers and Homeschool Grads

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Internships and Jobs for Homeschoolers and Homeschool Grads

Postby Theodore » Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:39 am

If you're an employer looking for a homeschooled intern or employee, post your internships or job offers here!

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Want to teach English Abroad?

Postby sr_h90 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:30 pm

Positions for Godly young people are continually opening up to teach English and other subjects in Christian schools and private academies in South Korea. Perhaps such ideas are exciting, but you are afraid of the unknown? Homeschool Friend is an established company both in South Korea and in the US and will serve as an advocate for teachers in their relationship with their school. HF is not just a placement agency, but provides ongoing support, mentoring, coaching, and service throughout the duration of your time abroad to ensure a great experience is received. Positions opening up regularly! Current position available for teachers starting as soon as January, 2013. Go to for more information and to fill out an application!
Sarah Hulin, Homeschool Friend
Tutor Manager Assistant & Homestay Coordinator

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Re: Internships and Jobs for Homeschoolers and Homeschool Grads

Postby albanemartin » Fri May 26, 2023 1:23 am

That's great if you are finding a job here. But, I must say that getting a job is not easy. Usually, students and freshers compromise for smaller companies, and that's not ok. You should create a top-notch resume with the help of . The company offers amazing resume services with the help of experts who know how to make your way inside your dream company.

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Re: Internships and Jobs for Homeschoolers and Homeschool Grads

Postby Gina_Newman » Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:55 am

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my experience as a homeschooling mom. My son, Daniel, is facing some learning difficulties as he's getting older, he's currently 14. Finding internships and jobs for homeschoolers like him can be challenging. However, I've found a helpful resource at It provides valuable essays for sale that assist in enhancing his writing skills and boosting his confidence. It's been a great supplement to our homeschooling journey. If you have any other suggestions for internships or job opportunities, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!

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Re: Internships and Jobs for Homeschoolers and Homeschool Grads

Postby alanfrost » Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:10 am

The most important factor in securing an internship or job is having a professionally crafted resume. A well-structured and polished resume increases your chances of success. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your resume is both attractive and professional. If you have the ability to write and manage your own resume, it can be beneficial. However, if you are unsure about how to create or maintain a professional resume, there is no need to worry. You can seek assistance from a reputable resume service such as I have personally utilized their services in the past, and they offer reasonable and highly professional assistance.

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