Wishing to make a home "school" for multiple child

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Wishing to make a home "school" for multiple child

Postby Clare12345 » Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:56 am

Hi. I am enrolled in (and near completion of) a 4 year degree program in a college in northern New Jersey, and will have teacher certification when done to be an art teacher. I have a daughter, and would really like to homeschool. But I think exposure to many sources and people is really important. That's why I'd like to start a school with homeschooling ideals and curriculum that could be developed separately if the parent wants for each child. I am socially responsible and what each person wants is really important. I'd love to talk with some parents and get a group of people interested.

Last edited by Clare12345 on Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Lily » Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:29 am

What are these homeschooling ideals you talk about? I'm quite certain if you talked to 10 families that opted out of the school system you'd find 10 different answers of what they want for their children.
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Postby Clare12345 » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:04 pm

Okay, that is a good question. I have been finding out more and more reasons why I would not like my child to be in a public school, but still to be in a regular group setting with other children her age and other children maybe not her age. And I don't see any kind of way of doing that unless it is either an all-year summer camp or a private school. What I am suggesting is making a place for children to be social with each other regularly and have friends they can expect to see regularly, yet still have more of an open curriculum, if any.

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Postby Jill » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:00 am

Many families find that a homeschool co-op provides this kind of experience. This link was written by Catholic homeschoolers, but the principles could be applied to any like-minded group.
http://www.homeschool-by-design.com/coo ... rning.html

Also, check the laws in your state to see what is allowed.

Best wishes!

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