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learning stlye

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:23 pm
by oliveoyle
Im trying to find the best way (and best math curriculum) to teach my 10yr old son who is easily distracted in school work. He fidgets and day dreams. He does better some times. He's reading ok for his age, was slower learning reading than my 7 yr old daughter. He is smart, I just need to figure out how to get it out of him, he can be lazy. He is crazy about legos, he follows the directions and creates his own. He has great imagination. I feel like he needs hands on learning. I'm not one of the "fun" moms who gets into the hands on stuff:) But I really have got to figure out what works to bring the best out of him. I've read about learning styles. I'm doing Power Tools for Literacy for his reading. Will be starting Power Spelling and My Fathers World together with his sister. She is so easy:) stays focused and gets it done. I thought about MathUSee. We do some math online like XtraMath and flash cards. Anybody experienced the same?