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When should I start planning?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:46 am
by mrussell555
Is there such a thing as too early to plan for home schooling? I just had a little girl 13 weeks ago, and would really like to homeschool her. What is a good age for me to start looking into curriculums?

The earliest you need to start looking into curriculum is...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:55 pm
by Theodore
Probably the earliest you need to start looking into curriculum is age 3. Before that, just read to your daughter a lot, point out letters and numbers, and do fun, creative activities.

Of course, there's no reason why you can't start planning things now if you want to :) I highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of Mary Pride's Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling, and attending some meetings of local homeschool support groups so you can see what the various curriculums look like and get opinions on how well they work.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:06 pm
by easyhomeschooling
:D I think it is wonderful that you are already thinking ahead to homeschooling your baby! You have a lot of time to research and read the many wonderful books that are available and decide exactly what you want to do.