First two weeks have been HORRIBLE - help!

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First two weeks have been HORRIBLE - help!

Postby KCarreira » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:27 pm

I really need some help/advice. We made the decision in the middle of last year to not send our kids back to the school they were at and home school. There were a myriad of reasons, but overall, just felt that home schooling would be best.

We decided on a Waldorf curriculum mostly because of the hands on concepts and the heavy artistic influence (that is my background). My daughter is extremely talented artistically and my son was has a gift with music.

Fast forward to today and I am ready to pull my hair out. My 11yo son argues with everything. According to him, he has already done all of the math I assign him and somewhere along the road he decided he wasn't good at art. What???? My 8yo daughter gets very upset during art class now because she feels it isn't good enough. We are building a building for her lesson, which in and of itself is a great project, but honestly is all me. Our days are packed full - here is a sample of our daily schedule:
9am - walk the dogs
9:30 - Morning meeting (includes playing a game or two)
10am - main lesson block (this is the building project and my son's geology lesson)
11:30 - Math review
11:45 - Music practice
12pm - Read quietly
12:30 - lunch
1pm - rest
1:30 - French
2:15 - Art

The schedule changes slightly every day but I truly feel like I am working my butt off here. I didn't expect this to be easy, but I expected it to be easier.

I need help, encouragement, advice - anything that will make me feel like my decision to home school was the right one. I really miss my days where I could actually sit and think without interruption.

:( :(
Homeschooling Mom of two, blogger and business coach. Websites: and

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Hang in there!

Postby Instructor » Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:48 am

You are just facing the challenges that all teachers face with young people. In regards to math just explain that it never hurts to practice old material and that since you are just beginning some duplication of work may happen here and there but as they progress it will happen less and less.

It's double hard for a parent to teach the kids because well, you are the parent and they are more comfortable with you. This means they are more likely to say things to you that they might not say to a teacher they barely know.

Everybody has some creativity (art) in them but it may not express itself the same way for people. Some excel at sculpting and struggle with line drawing etc. Just let your kids know that you love them and so long as they make an effort they will do okay.

However hard this is for you just remember it's also a hard transition for them. Just keep working, it get's easier. Fun family friendly martial arts you can do at home.

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