when do I start?

Having problems figuring out where to start? Let other homeschoolers offer you some advice!

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when do I start?

Postby amandajean » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:51 pm

My husband and I have decided to homeschool our children. Two of our four are currently attending private school, 1st grade and 4 yr preschool, the other two are 3yrs and 18mo. We are trying to decide if we should pull the school aged children after Christmas break and start homeschooling in January or wait until summer break and start in the fall. One of the concerns we have is choosing curriculum. We would like to use Sonlight Core K for them in the fall for Kindergarton and 2nd grade. But, if we pull them now what would we do with our first grader before the fall? Is it better to just let them complete their year in private school and start homeschooling after summer vacation? I would love some advice!

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Postby hscoach » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:49 am

It is truly fine to begin homeschooling your child at any time during the year. (school year or even in the middle of the summer if you want) My two oldest sons were both attending private school (4K and 2nd grade) and I pulled them out 6 weeks into the year to homeschool them. I think it would be great to begin homeschooling them in Jan. but it is your personal decision. (One of my reasons would be to save the tuition money that you would spend for the spring semester and spend it on homeschooling curriculum instead.) Homeschooling is way cheaper than private school tuition. Also, I think your children are going to enjoy homeschooing so much more than tradtional school...........so why not start right away? :D

If you buy some first grade curriculum, keep in mind that if you only use it for a half year now, it will then be passed on to 3! other children so you will definitely get your money's worth.

Before deciding what curriculum you want to purchase, I recommend reading reviews first. Here are some links for that.





I love to order curriculum from Rainbow Resource. They have low prices and a huge selection. They also have product reviews.


Congratulations on your decision to homeschool. I think you're going to love it! Best wishes.

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Postby Jill » Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:06 am


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