What to do

Preschool readiness skills (birth to age 5) and the common developmental concerns of young children.

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What to do

Postby Martha » Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:05 am

I'm using Abeka's K-4 program for my 4 year old. My DD is doing WONDERFUL with it. She already knew most of the stuff in the books (letters, their sounds, how to write them)...She is doing great with the phonics, and with the manuscript (we chose not to do cursive until she's older). Anyway, my questiong revolves around the numbers. She has a FIRM grip on numbers, number concept, counting, and all of the above. With the abeka numbers book taht goes with the K-4 program it's just teaching what she already has a firm grasp on. Nothing is new to her about it. Should I continue doing it or find other ways to do numbers with her. I know she'll benefit from the review daily, an dthat when it teaches the proper way to write them she'll benefit from that...but what would you do with the rest. It takes us only a few minutes to do it cause she knows it all and gets bored with the same thing every day. I try to mix it up by saying "if we wanted only five circles, how many do we need to take away" to kind of open her to math without her KNOWING it's math...but i'm afraid she'll lose interest in that as well.

THanks for any adivse! :)

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Re: What to do

Postby Ramona » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:27 pm

This is one reason why I decided not to use an Abeka curriculum package. Kids are often at different grade-levels in different subjects.

Instead, I buy a K-5 math curriculum or a grade 1 math curriculum, or I use workbooks from discount stores (School Zone is our family's favorite brand--they go in the most reasonable order), or I do enrichment activities like those in the book *Math for the Very Young: a Handbook of Activities for Parents and Teachers* by Lydia Polonsky et al. (published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.)


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