What do you think?

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What do you think?

Postby alexandria85 » Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:50 pm

Is it necessary to learn languages at the age 7-12? What do you think? Because my sister plan to sent here daughter at one of the popular schools in Nevada. For me, at there age, I think it is not require to learn that one…

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Postby Lily » Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:13 am

It's best to learn a second language as early as possible. It's much harder for adults to become fluent than it is for children, who are still grasping the nuances of their own language and have more aptitude for it.

7-12 is on the high end, but it does allow for the introduction of written material at the same time - possibly a bonus for visual learners.

former linguist now hsing mom
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Postby Minniewannabe » Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:06 am

You asked, "is it necessary...?" I would have to agree with Lily. It is best to learn languages as early as possible especially during the rote learning years up to age 7. Nonetheless, our family members are all over 7 now, and we're still plugging away at several languages.

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