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Book: Lies My Teacher Told Me

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:30 am
by ScottHughes
Have you read the book Lies My Teacher Told Me? I did a while back, and I loved it.

It explores the problems with the way public school teach history - dry Eurocentric facts with idolized heros. It's at least partially the result of textbook publishers making books that sell well rather than books that tell the truth.

Anyway, homeschoolers have the lucky advantage of controlling their own history lessons, so it might be a good read to see what your history curriculum is missing.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:38 pm
by Kimberly
The book sounds very interesting. And, yes, I agree, we homeschoolers have a huge advantage in being able to have complete control over our children's education. Thanks for telling us about this book.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:23 pm
by StellarStory
I got it from the library this week. I think it's a bit pedantic but also a very interesting book. I'm going to have my kids read it as part of World History because it does show what is generally taught and how that has been skewed right or wrong by the writers and the people who paid them to write the text books.