An open thank-you

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An open thank-you

Postby Allene » Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:08 pm

Long post warning: I have a 1-year-old dd who I have decided to homeschool and a twinkle in my eye who I will homeschool when God decides to send it my way. Until two years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about homeschooling but I knew I wanted my child to have something different than what I had.

When I was in ps in the 70's/80's I was miserable. What I excelled in was so slow I was bored to tears, what I needed extra help in, was non-exsistant. The 8th grade was a turning point in my life when a math instructor made me believe (in front of the class--gotta love public humiliation) that I was basically stupid. My dreams of being a marine deep-sea geologist died in that one moment. It was years before I relalized she was the idiot, not me.

I remember begging to be sent to private school or boarding school to get away from the school I was in. My parents wanted to send me but we didn't have the finances. We all wished desperately for an alternative but had no idea of homeschool. Everything was secret and underground back then. Absolutely no one talked about it in the open.

I am grateful for all those homeschoolers and their supportors who started a movement back then that has grown to such an important public one. One that has moved out into the sunlight and become a viable option for me and my family now.

This is my thanks to all who came before: Thank you for hanging tough in the 70's and 80's and beyond. For the books and articles you wrote, for the curriculum you either developed yourself or encouraged companies to create, for the personal encouragement you gave to those seeking another path, and for the successful children you all raised who proved that there is another way--a better way.

And...Thanks to all of you on for listening.

Posts: 424
Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:27 am
Location: North of DFW Texas

Postby Mark » Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:41 pm

Glad you're here Allene.


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