Day with a 4 year old and baby

Describe your average homeschool day and give new homeschoolers an idea of what to expect!

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Day with a 4 year old and baby

Postby Tanikit » Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:33 am

We have been homeschooling my daughter for 2 years now - our first year we just read her stories and did some crafts/art. This year she stopped going to her creche and we have been homeschooling full time with a baby who was born in February this year.

In the morning she wakes about 05:30-06:00 and we let her watch a movie or play games by herself til the rest of us get up around 07:00. Then we send DH to work and have breakfast. About 08:30 we do some phonics and often show the baby Little Reader on the computer as she enjoys seeing the pictures. We then do a craft or some art or writing worksheets or read some books while the baby tags along or naps. Around 10:30 we do exercise (she's swimming a lot at the moment) and then have free play. After lunch (about 13:00) we do some math activities and counting and then she plays or rests and we read more books closer to bedtime. If my DD wants to we will play games with the baby in the afternoon or whenever they are both up to it.

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