Thinking of skipping a grade, need 9th grade curriculum

Discuss the pros and cons of various curriculums, or get help on which to choose!

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Thinking of skipping a grade, need 9th grade curriculum

Postby jlarson7000 » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:27 am


We just finished our first year of homeschooling and it was wonderful! My daughters went through the 7th grade and now I am thinking of skipping 8th. (they are advanced, a primary reason that we homeschooled in the first place) I know that everything changes once you reach high school and I want them to still have a chance at college scholarships and etc. Any recommendations on a 9th grade curriculum? I used a mix of Alpha Omega, Saxon Math and Apologia science last year. I really liked Alpha Omega because it was easy to stay organized. I don't think that I will do Saxon again this year only because their way of teaching was so different that what my daughters were used to. Does anyone know if Alpha Omega math is as challenging as Saxon? I understand many people use Saxon with Alpha Omega.

I often hear that homeschooled children are more advanced that public schooled ones. It's important to me that the curriculum I choose always gives my children that advantage.

Any advice would be appreciated. I would also invite any response as to why skipping the 8th grade could be harmful.



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Postby cccmkr » Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:04 pm

That is the joy of homeschooling. You do what you want to do and what works for your family.

I would like to ask though, have you considered a quick through of the 8th grade first? What I mean is... my daughter is a year ahead, but not because we skipped a grade. It is because she finished the one grade so quickly; I just picked right up and started with the next grade. It was easy for her, so she breezed through it. I also like to personally have each grade documented for the state if it were ever an issue. (Shouldn't be an issue, since I live in Texas... but just in case.)

Just a thought!

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