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Personal feedback public school sports participation

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:12 am
by Learn123
Hello all, I hope I’m posting this in an ok place. If it’s better posted elsewhere, please do let me know!! Thank you!

I’m wondering if anyone has lived in a state that allows homeschoolers access to school sports, extracurricular activities such as clubs and some classes-I’m guessing like AP classes....(or knows someone that has had any experience with this)....and has any opinion on the experience....mostly for the child (presuming hopefully that there weren’t any difficulties with that school district). 
I’m wondering about things like how the public school kids treat the homeschooler/assimilation, if the experiences added anything positively to the child’s overall ‘high school’ experience, any other insights. I appreciate facets of unschooling and life learning and am not a fan of kids being in one building all day and being pushed to follow certain curriculum rigidly.  Also even with a strong interest in sports, I wonder about the possible (potential negative) impact of the public school environment even with limited interaction such as clubs and sports.
I am open minded about our future options but I was thinking about club activities and mostly high school sports in particular. 
I think many homeschooling communities are putting things together that hopefully may fill the void for activities like after school/extra curricular clubs and even prom or other dances. 
For a child really interested in sports though, I began thinking about states that allow homeschooler participation because it seems that at that age there are generally no longer youth/recreation programs....and then there is the aspect of demonstrating sports skills to play in college and to also possibly obtain some scholarship for the sports. 
Thank you so much in advance if anyone has anything at all to share on the topic!

PS. I am aware that for playing sports, certain guidelines/qualifications have to be met by the public school student as well as the homeschooling student.  If anyone has additional insight that they encountered greater difficulty, please share this as well. Thanks so much again!

Also we are looking preferably on the East coast and so the states I see as potential possibilities for this are Maine, New Hampshire, and Florida.