I need help please

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I need help please

Postby kygurl » Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:12 am

i am a mother of a 4 yr old and i am studying to get my ged and maybe even go to college someday but not anytime soon.I am struggling with algebra for example 2x+x+3=x+2-5 I dont understand it all the signs is whats gets me Can someone help me understand it better thanks

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Postby Theodore » Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:13 pm

x basically represents a number. You don't start out knowing what the number is, and you have to solve the problem to find out.

You can add the same value to both sides of the equation, or subtract the same value from both sides. The idea is to get all the x's on one side, and all the numbers on the other:

2x + x + 3 = x + 2 - 5
2x + x [- x] + 3 = x [- x] + 2 - 5
2x + 3 = 2 - 5
2x + 3 [- 3] = 2 - 5 [- 3]
2x = -6

Then you can divide both sides to get the answer:

2x [/ 2] = -6 [/ 2]
x = -3

So x represents the number -3.

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