West Virginia Homeschool Law

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West Virginia Homeschool Law

Postby SophiesMom » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:17 pm

My daughter is supposed to start Preschool this coming Fall. If there is anyone from WV who could tell me the laws and procedures, I would appreciate the help. I would like to homeschool her from preschool on up, but I worried that kindergarten will sneak up on us and I won't have the information needed. Most of what I find on websites is very confusing.
Amie and Sophie

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Re: West Virginia Homeschool Law

Postby Theodore » Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:09 pm

Short synopsis is as follows:

- Compulsory age begins at 6 or upon enrolling in a publicly supported kindergarten program.
- A notice of intent to homeschool must be submitted yearly, the first time being at least two weeks before you begin (assuming compulsory age).
- You must be able to provide proof of at least a high school diploma.
- You must submit a plan of instruction.
- A yearly academic assessment is required, or an acceptable portfolio of work.


A child shall be exempt from the compulsory school attendance ... if the requirements ... relating to alternative private, parochial, church or religious school instruction, are met.

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