Homeschooling when homeless

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Homeschooling when homeless

Postby Krissy_beltonMOmom » Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:29 pm

Is it possible to home school while homeless? Is it legal?

My husband is looking at three months out of work, and I don't know what to do. We very seriously might be evicted and homeless

(completely live out of your car and the occasional hotel room homeless... not just live with family type of homeless...)

Am I going to be able to continue homeschooling? Is it possible??? Because we'll be homeless no matter what... so why should I detriment the kids further by putting them in public school???

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Postby hscoach » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:51 am

There are many families who "road-school" (in an RV). I don't think your situation would be very different from that, legally. You could send an e-mail or make a phone call to the Home School Legal Denfense Association to ask your question. Here is their link.

And here is a link about road schooling.

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Postby Theodore » Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:16 am

Homeschooling doesn't really require a physical home. This is more a question of whether child services will think you're caring sufficiently for your children, than whether you can legally teach your children out of your car. You're probably good to go on both counts.

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Postby sartasd » Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:02 pm

My husband has been out of work for a year now. He has found some small side jobs, and has the unemployment check to help. He is also in the National Guard and still have that small check per month. I am disabled and on social security. We have less money and it hasn't stop us from homeschooling, we just switched to a free online schooling sources and use the local library for most of our books. Money is very tight but we are doing fine as long as we are careful.

perhaps going on the road will help local a job elsewhere, you won't have a house to hold you back.

I know of a family who went on the road, they sold their home, furniture, car, and anything that won't fit in the small RV and went on the road, the Dad did odd jobs to make money.

being out of work can be hard, My husband now is willing to take a job with less pay just to have a job. or go back to school if needed.

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Postby six » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:20 pm

Been there. Think about camp sites and look into time limits, some are 2 weeks some are 3 months! State parks and National Forests-
May get you started . If it is long term you will have to think of cold weather.
Just think, even a primitive site will give you privacy for while.

Do not say you are homeless! just on the road, there is a great deal afforded to those that can afford to school while on the road . But say you are homeless and CPS will come sniffing around . HSDLA is good and they have a monthly pay plan that is reasonable considering the risk of CPS.

That said money is nice but living within your means is a lesson in itself. Be sure to not scare the kids and make it like you are camping. Use the public library and any other free source you can. It is an adventure. Do not try to make them study like they are still in school, it can be more free form.
It is hard to ask for help but you can do it and still retain grace.
I hope the best for you

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