Going to university in Europe

If you are homeschooling outside the US, or doing a lot of moving between military bases, share your stories, questions, and tips here!

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Going to university in Europe

Postby lilalu15 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:48 am

Good day :)

I am 17 years old and I live in germany.

I would love to go to college but I do not have an university entrance qualification yet ( I would get it in a year, but I do not intend to wait, as I want to start studying ( at the university) this september).

I heard that you can get your school diploma in morocco through passing an external exam. As I am of Moroccan origin and due to the fact I have the Moroccan citizenship, I would love to take the test.

I did a lot of research online but still have a lot of questions regarding the process. I do not want to ask for too much, but I would be incredibely grateful if you could help me with my issue. Of course I would not expect you to help me for free.

Thank you in advance and have a good day :) :D

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Re: Going to university in Europe

Postby Gina_Newman » Thu Jul 13, 2023 7:11 am


It's great to hear about your aspirations for college. While I don't have personal experience with obtaining a school diploma in Morocco, I encourage you to reach out to the Moroccan Embassy or consulate in Germany for detailed information. They will be able to provide guidance on the process and requirements. Good luck with your studies and future endeavors!

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Re: Going to university in Europe

Postby brownscottish69 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:58 am

Choosing to attend university in Europe offers a unique blend of cultural immersion, academic excellence, and adventure. The diverse range of programs, coupled with the opportunity to explore historic cities and scenic landscapes, makes it an enriching experience. Plus, you can always play Minesweeper during study breaks for some nostalgic fun!

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