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Looking to survey homeschooling U.S. military families for academic research project

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:38 am
by KevSandell
Hi Everyone,

I'm Kevin Sandell, an active duty U.S. Army officer, fellow homeschooler, and graduate student at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. As part of my capstone research project, I am conducting research on behalf of the National Park Trust, a national parks non-profit organization that wants to learn about military families' outdoor education and recreation experiences.

I have a short survey (it's only about 8 minutes!) that I'm asking homeschooling U.S. military families to complete. Plus, as a "thank you" for completing the survey, the National Park Trust will send six randomly-selected individuals free swag!

The results will greatly benefit the National Park Trust and its larger efforts to communicate with U.S. military families worldwide. Thank YOU for your help in completing the survey!