Adult Rewind, What now?

Are you homeschool a special needs child? Are you personally physically challenged? Here is the place to share your questions, tips, and experiences.

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Adult Rewind, What now?

Postby WonderMommy33 » Thu May 04, 2017 1:19 pm

Hi there.
Myself and my four amazing kiddos, are all ASD. I was diagnosed at age four, and my father homeschooled me through 12th grade.
I never personally took any pre-college placement tests. I attended a community college briefly, and recently attended online.
I could not read or write until age 15. In every subject, I am almost completely self taught; which means, there is a lot I missed but a lot I know well.
My total accumulation of college credits is 70. My college GPA is at least 3.5. My high school GPA was 3.86 based on NY state regulated standardized testing. I graduated from a Homeschool group in Indiana with a state diploma.
However, not ever having taken SAT/ACT, or getting a GED, I've always felt like I missed something.

For the past ten years I have been employed through the Department of Defense and the VA as a Patient Advocate. There is so much I am unqualified for however, and I want to be financially independent.
Is it too late to consider SAT/ACT, GED, and other testing; I graduated in 2001. I am college hunting. What should I do to prepare for this?
It is necessary that I attain a degree, and my personal goal is to earn my doctorate. My career goal is to become an Occupational Therapist, with an Art Therapy specialty. Eventually - maybe a pipe dream - Educational Diagnostician. At the very least, I just want to prep, and take the MCAT for kicks.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions/insight.

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